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2022 Oil Spill Updates


March 17, 2022 (Information is directly from OSPR)

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (CDFW-OSPR) continues to respond to on-going California Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) Warning Center reports of tarballs washing ashore in Los Angeles and Orange County. For the 22-1504 - Newport Beach, Orange County; 22-1497 - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County; and 22-1486 Redondo Beach, Los Angeles County, OSPR field responders observed the tarballs to be weathered and scattered.  Samples were collected for fingerprinting analysis. 


The Coast Guard and CDFW-OSPR, in coordination with the County of Orange's Division of Emergency Management, continue to closely monitor potential impacts resulting from these events. Tarball laboratory results collected and analyzed to date showed tarballs to be consistent with non-production, natural seep oil, and non-match for comparative oil samples from the DCOR and Amplify spills.  The Oiled Wildlife Care Network confirmed that the Southern California Bight is experiencing a bird mortality event, unrelated to the tarball reports.  A dead gull and cormorant were found at Redondo Beach but the birds were not oiled.  The Oiled Wildlife Care Network continues to be on standby. 


If you observe tarballs on the shore or any release of a hazardous material, please do not send the information to the Wildlife OSPR Liaison email as a formal mechanism of reporting.


OSPR ask that you please make a report by contacting the CAL OES Warning Center or the National Response Center at the following numbers:  The National Response Center (800)-424-8802;  CalOES State Warning Center:  (800)-852-7550.  This will allow emergency response personnel from appropriate agencies to receive critical information in a timely manner.  Federal and State law required reporting to be done “in real time,” so there is no mechanism for email notifications. 

January 31, 2022

Oil Spill and Oil Sheen

Oil Spill: Unified Command is closing transition period of oil spill monitoring and conclude the response this week. They are having a meeting on February 2nd, at 2pm. Last updates sent on December 28, 2021. 

Oil Sheen:  Pipeline Breach (Pipeline 0919 from Platform Eva) a DCOR LLC pipeline 40 feet below area of sheen and has been confirmed as the source. Evacuation procedures were implemented by CA State Lands Commission and CA office of State Fire Marshal (CalFire) along with Unified Command. The pollution threat has been removed and/or demobilized. All protective strategies at Bolsa Chica, Newport Slough, Talbert Marsh and Santa Ana River have been demobilized. No wildlife impacts have been attributed to this sheen (spill) event to date. 

January 11, 2021

Pipeline 0919 Sheen Incidents:

We had hoped that we would only be reporting on finalizing the beach sign-offs as we entered 2022. Unfortunately, there were oil sheens seen near the original location and further investigation is required. The oil sheens were seen on December 15th and 22nd and January 4th and 6th. The cause of the incident is believed to be a site other than the original site in October 2021. 

Please see attached report for details on the status of the oil sheens here



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